The many and diverse ministries of St. Francis include opportunities in worship, pastoral care, children and youth programs, music, and fellowship. While fulfilling God's command to love one another, these various ministries offer individuals opportunities to live into our Baptismal promise to seek and serve Christ in others, loving our neighbors as ourselves. Ministry opportunities are not limited to the ministries detailed here. All are encouraged to explore new ministries they feel called to and that fit the context of this congregation.
Please study the ministries of St. Francis and see how you may become more fully engaged in fulfilling its mission while experiencing your own spiritual growth.
TUESDAY SOLACE: Tuesday Solace is a free service supporting families affected by Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia and takes place from 1:00-4:00pm at the Parish Hall. Allowing caregivers respite time, the program provides music and singing, fun, social activities, and loving care to the participants.
FEED MY SHEEP SACK MEALS (FMS): On the 2nd Sunday of each month, all are invited to gather in the Parish at 10:30 to prepare 40 sack lunches for our neighbors who have limited access to food. The lunches are delivered to Feed My Sheep.
CHURCHES TOUCHING LIVES FOR CHRIST (CTLC): St. Francis collects items for this ministry every month. Items may be brought to the Narthex on Sunday or to the Church Office during weekdays.
ST. FRANCIS GIFT SHOP: As most of you know, the gift shop must have two workers at all times. We are in desperate need of volunteers. This is a great time to ask your best friend to sit with you and a great time to socialize and catch up. Please consider, just 3 1/2 hours a month and we will put you on the schedule.
ST. FRANCIS CHOIR: "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!" Notice the passage does NOT say we have to have a beautiful voice to praise God! We are looking for new choir members. We practice at 8:30am before we sing at the 9:30am service. So come join us!

THE WILDSCAPE GUILD:The Wildscape Guild's purpose is to provide a beautiful and welcoming outdoor environment at St. Francis' church for all God's creatures—including humans. We seek an awareness of God's presence in fellowship, in silent meditation, and in all the sensual joys of planting and harvesting in the care of creation. We are filling the grounds with native and adapted plants that will support birds, butterflies, and other wildlife as well as saving water and preventing erosion. We hope to make the gardens a living classroom to encourage the love of the outdoors in children at the school.