- Holy Eucharist with Choir
- Children's Chapel
- Hospitality
(Coffee & Conversation)
Childcare provided 9:00–10:45am
Serving as an acolyte is a wonderful way to take part in the liturgy on Sunday mornings. Acolytes participate in procession and assist the priest during worship services. All young people who have completed the fifth grade are invited to serve.
Ushers provide assistance and fellowship to our fellow members as well as visitors. they serve at the 9:30 AM Sunday services by handing out worship bulletins and assisting Vestry Greeters in collecting the offering. Ushers likewise assist at the numerous occasional services throughout the year and at funerals.
Lay Readers & Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay readers are authorized to read Morning and Evening prayer under the guidance of the rector. Lay eucharistic ministers assist at the Eucharist by administering the chalice.
Altar Guild
St. Francis Altar Guild prepares the altar for all services of worship including Holy Communion, weddings, and funerals. the members care for the altar, the Eucharistic vessels and linens, as well as prepare flowers after services to be taken to the sick and homebound. they assist the clergy with weddings and rehearsals.
Music Ministries
The music ministries at St. Francis are here to faithfully witness to Christ, who is welcoming, compassionate, and life giving. The worship of God is not a cliché but encompasses a fullness that cannot be expressed in any one style or type of music. We pray that though we cannot understand all that God reveals through our music, the Holy Spirit will use our song in ways we cannot imagine. God blesses us with many talents, and it is the mission of the Ministry of Music to use those talents to serve and praise the Lord.